Automobile Engineering

Brief Introduction 

Automobile means motor vehicle, that is used for  transportation. Cars came into global use during the 20th century, and developed economies depend on them. 

Automobile is a self-propelled vehicle driven by internal compression engine used for transportation of good and passengers on ground. 

The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car when German inventor Karl Benz patented his Benz Patent - Motorwagen

Cars have controls for driving, parking, passenger comfort, and a variety of lights. 

Over the decades, additional features and controls have been added to vehicles, making them progressively more complex, but also more reliable and easier to operate.

History of Automobile 

  • Truly the inventor of the motor car is lost in the fog of history.
  • Most of the engineers in different countries were working on the same general lines in the middle of the nineteenth century deriving inspiration from the early steam buses and coaches.

Belgium and Germany (EUROPE Countries )

  • "Etienne Lenoir" in Belgium demonstrated a self-propelled vehicle driven by a type of atmospheric engine in 1860.  Although the machine was hopelessly inefficient, it was Qualified to start quickly, unlike steam vehicles, does not require frequent and large volumes of water.
  • This engine interested Nicholas Otto, a young German, as he observed its lack of punch and reasoned that more power could be obtained by compressing the charge before feeding it into the cylinder
Nikolaus Otto (1832 - 1891)

Nicholas Otto
  • Otto did this with great success and the idea was an essential step towards the true four-stroke engine. Around 1872, Otto was helped and encouraged to develop the four-stroke system by Gottfried Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, who joined Otto’s company (by then called Gasmotoren-Fabrik Deutz). 
  • Otto perfected the true four-stroke cycle and it was this power unit that opened the way to the motor age. Another pioneer in the area, Karl Benz had worked with Daimler at one time in their careers for the same locomotive works in Karlsruhe. 

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  • Karl Benz is credited with being the first to make a gasoline- engine car for people to buy: a car conceived as entity and not just a carriage with an engine replacing the horse. 
  • This first car was built and was running by late 1885 with a water-cooled, single cylinder engine that developed about 0.8 hp at 400 rpm- fast for an engine of the day.
  • A simple handle arrangement steered two front wheels and his subsequent models were four wheeled. Daimler concentrated on four stroke engine after setting up his own company.